We have many solutions to help you become an Unbridled Leader that makes an IMPACT by reinventing their business. Our programmes can be delivered virtually, in person and experientially out in nature with horses and can be crafted for various durations. Which solution works best for you?  Not seeing what you need, then call us so we can customise a programme for you


How can you create a culture where people want to give their best, where they feel they belong, and create amazing things together?

It all starts with having a clearly defined business purpose and values. Something that the team can contribute to and drive forward together. Purpose not strategy is the fundamental driver of success in business today and yet too many companies just pay lip service to this. When an Impactful Business Culture is embedded into the DNA of the company then performance elevates as team members are more engaged and as a result productivity soars.


It ain’t what you say It’s the way that you say it.

As we work in an ever increasing digital world and meetings occur remotely rather than in person it is imperative that everyone in the organisation learns to communicate effectively. Recent research reveals that of the three elements that make up communication – visual, tone and words – visual is responsible for over 70% of the effectiveness of the message being delivered; tone 20% and words 10%.

So how do you make your meetings effective and engaging, so that everyone hears the message? How do you communicate with gravitas so that you are seen as a credible, trust-worthy and dependable leader?


Have your leaders got the right skills to be able to lead through uncertainty?

The recent events have changed the requirements of leadership for ever. No longer can a leader be a technical or performance specialist. They need to be a people specialist. They need to become proficient in the humanitarian skills of business and become masters at building effective relationships based on trust, respect and empathy. Leaders need to become masters at being emotionally intelligence, as well as adaptable, flexible and agile. Only when leaders display these characteristics can be expect our teams to become loyal, engaged and have great well-being.

After all everything starts with the leader.


Can you afford NOT to have a high performance resilient and motivated team?

Right now amidst the pandemic there is a major crisis faced by nearly every industry. The workplace as we know it has changed and employee engagement – (connection, accountability, productivity and well-being) is the most significant crisis faced by employers today.

According to Gallup Daily tracking, only 11% of employees in the UK are  highly engaged. That was before the pandemic. That’s 89% untapped potential! A disengaged employee has checked out. They are not enthusiastic and do the bare minimum to get by.

Every highly disengaged employee in your business is costing you 34% of their salary!
That means you are throwing away £3,400 for every £10,000 you are paying in salaries!  This silent problem is having long-lasting and negative impacts on businesses, plus it is impacting employee well-being… and this was before the pandemic!

What would a more engaged workforce, improved productivity, stronger culture, and more profit mean to you and your business right now?