Nine Traits Of IMPACTFUL Leaders

June 2, 2020

You can only lead others where you yourself are prepared to go” – Lachlan McLean

I don’t think it is until you have truly spent quality time with horses that you really can appreciate what masterful teachers they are.  I now know that many of my best life and business lessons have been taught to me by my horses.  Admittedly, at times I didn’t hear or care to learn those lessons but now on reflection they were (and continue to be) some of the most profound and insightful experiences that I ever have

Perhaps the most important thing I have realised is that everything in life begins with you and leadership is no different.  If you want to be a great leader of your business or team members then you need to be able to lead yourself first.  Leadership, like so many other things in life is an Inside Out Job.  Our environment and circumstances are just a reflection of what is going on inside of us, so if you are not happy with your life right now, you need to examine where this is showing up on the inside.

To my mind experiential learning is one of the best methods to learn new things – based on the concept of whole body learning, more is retained because both the right and left brain are engaged in the learning process.  Staggeringly, research has shown that only 4% of what is learnt in a classroom is retained versus 80% if the learning is applied through activities. So why wouldn’t companies invest in experiential learning?  In my opinion it is a cost-effective way to deliver results that are immediately noticeable in any company.

Horse Assisted Leadership Transformation (HALT) provides a way for individuals and companies to experiences this whole-body learning which can create systemic change in organisations.

The IMPACTFUL leadership traits that horses have taught me are:

I – Intuition

M – Master Communication

P – Personal Boundary Clarity

A – Authenticity

C – Connection

T – Trustworthiness

F – Full Attention and Presence

U – Unity In Teamwork

L – Leader-Self

If you can master all these skills then your leadership skills will develop exponentially, because let’s face it, being a leader is a hard job.   Many of us shirk from the responsibility that leadership comes with, and that is fine, but unless you step up to the plate and become a leader of your own life, you will always be reactive to things around you – you will never be in charge of your own life.  As a great cowboy once told me: ”

“Leadership is hard to get, easy to lose and must be maintained”

Are you up for a challenge? Then please reach out to me and let’s arrange a call so that we can explore if Horse Assisted Leadership Transformation is for you and your team

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